Apivar is an amitraz-based miticide for honey bees.
Prescription drug. Please refer to your vet. Carefully read the instructions on the packaging leaflet before use.

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What’s new with Apivar strips
The contents of this page are intended for the American public. The instructions for use of the miticites mentioned comply with US regulations. One of our team goals for 2022 was to give you a better experience with our amitraz-based treatment, Apivar strips. We have made a couple of changes to help you to save valuable time.… Continue reading What’s new with Apivar strips

Treatment with Apivar lowers DWV titers and reduces honey bees’ susceptibility towards agricultural pesticides
The damaging effects of high varroa mite infestation and high prevalence of DWV (Deformed Wing Virus) on honey bee colony health are well known and continue to be a widely investigated subject.

Want an extra boost for your Apivar efficacy? It’s all about scraping and repositioning.
Many of you are looking for tips to optimize the efficacy of your mite treatments, especially when facing a high mite load before treatment. Here you will learn a simple tip, validated by two field studies, allowing you to boost your Apivar treatment efficacy.

Most asked questions concerning Apivar
No need to introduce Apivar anymore! It is probably the most used registered miticide in the United States, and beekeepers have LOT of questions on specific cases or scenarios of use. As sometimes the label is not enough to answer all of them, Phil Craft, who addresses questions from North American beekeepers every day, has made a top ten of the most frequently asked questions that he usually receives.

A behind-the-scenes look at Apivar: find out more about its manufacturing
Did you know that in Europe, the treatments to combat Varroa destructor are registered as veterinary medicines? For instance, the manufacturing of Apivar is strictly supervised by the European and national authorities.